Open hours:

Mon - Fri: 9.30 - 17.00

Saturday: 9.00 - 12.00

Sunday: call 0751 725 6963

Office is OPEN now

Our services:

Special offer!

Three simple steps how our repair process works?

Computer collectionwe can collect computer if your problem can't be solve on site or you can deliver machine yourself
Diagnosticafter proper diagnose you'll get call from us about what kind of repair & cost is required. After your agreement we can start main repair.
Finalizing operationinvolve pay (cash, check or card) & computer delivery

We specialize in:

desktop PC Laptops Macs

How can we help?

On the bottom we listed most common issues whit computers and their short descriptions. If you observe any of this symptoms don't hesitate to contact with us, we'll help you.
You can find also more information and estimated repair prices after rolling over any of issue.

Hardware issues
Roll over on links to see more details: 

Broken screencracked display
Power Jackloose power connection
Clicking drivenoisy or clicking hard drive
Liquid spillany kind of liquid spillage
Power issuesdead power adapter , no charging etc.
Overheating, shuts offsudden shut off, very hot
Physical damagebroken casing, hinges, etc.
Dim screenfaint images on screen
Upgradesany computer components

Software issues

Fresh system installall OS
Virus infectiontrojans, pop ups, fake antyvirus
Speed upslow system operation
Drivers issuesinstallation, updates
Blue screenWindows errors
Boot up problemswon't boot up normally
Data recoveryfrom dead laptops, PCs
Software installationapplication management
Other issuesmiscellaneous problems
Where are we

36 Tomnahurich Street
Inverness IV3 5DS

* click map to enlarge

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